Monday, November 7, 2011

So I have been working on my store  keeping it up to date with my blog and my life. As the cold weather moves in  I find myself looking back on the warmer places I have been, so I chose photos from one of my favorite places to go and relax Taos N.M.. There is so much to see there and it always seams  peaceful weather its the pueblos or the landscape, or walking down the street looking for a place to eat. So I have created 4 color posters and 4 black and white posters at so others could also feel the peace and warmth that I feel when I am in taos. Prints and poster are a great way to change up your decor with out spending a lot of money. Need to add warmth to a room  add a set or grouping of color prints, or if you want to go a little more classic add some black and white prints or posters with a simple jet black frame.  
Hope these prints inspire you to change up your surroundings just a bit with photos from your favorite artist or maybe photos of your own travels enlarged and framed. As it gets colder we all need a little change in our surroundings to warm us up and get us going for the holidays, so create art in your life.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

PARTY PLANNING!  Time for the annual pumpkin party, this years theme Enchanted Forrest. While every year has its challenges, this years it was the giant mushrooms because what says enchanted Forrest better than giant mushrooms. Cardboard concrete tubes and snow sleds where my picks for the larger of the mushrooms, economical and easy to use, sprayed tubes with adhesive and wrapped with wrapping paper, on the sleds I used adhesive shelf paper I cut into circles placed on bottom of sleds then a little spray paint in your choice of color, peal of circles and BOOM you have the top of a mushroom, put the two together and you have a mushroom. Smaller mushrooms I used cardboard tubes and cheap plastic bowls and then followed same instructions as on larger ones.
 Finishing off the party area added a stream made of plastic, a bridge constructed out of an old coffee table and scrap wood laying around. Giant cattails made from tiki torches, large dragon flies made from scrap wood and plastic, give them a paint job and BOOM dragon flies. Spread pumpkins (one for every child) all through the design add 20 or so children a sack race, cakewalk and other fun games, BOOM you have your self a pumpkin party! Don't want to leave out food and beverages for your guests, this year we made homemade mac-n-cheese and pulled pork sandwiches. Thanks to all our friends and family to help make another successful year.