Thursday, June 30, 2011

"Finishing things up"

So this weeks creative endeavors where spent in the back yard in the garden, and finishing up a few painting projects. I find it amazing just how much work related stress you can relieve your self of with a hobby or a little gardening, or in my case both this week. In my constant quest for a peaceful and pleasant surroundings I enjoy going out and doing a little gardening, I would never claim to have a perfectly landscaped yard but I do have a very pleasant space that really works for my family and the things we plane, which during the summer is a far amount.
I also completed two paintings this week blue poppies and sunflowers three and got them loaded onto my zazzle site ( where you can view them or purchase posters of them. Now I guess it is time to start contemplating on the design of my blog, maybe next weeks blog should be about the fun and trials of creating this blog - definitely a labor of love. Remember there is art happiness and joy in everything we just gotta find it.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Research and Development

This week I seem to be focused on research and development of both my blog and current running projects. Larry's Fishing chair was my main project this week,took my second hand store chair that was in over all great shape removed the seat gave a nice lite sanding to remove old varnish and dirt. Chose colors of paint to go with my over all theme in this case fishing lake outdoor's, ect.. Base coat whole chair in a lite blue green color and then started adding top color and designs as I went along, one leg represents drift wood the other a fish, found a piece of outdoor themed fabric for the seat chair was looking good. Felt like it just needed something else, small wooden fish hanging from the back ("catch of the day").Think it is done and looks great and more inportant larry thinks it looks great.
Boring space or just not sure what to do with your space. Try a chair either a wild funky chair or and old chair you paint in a bold color and set in the corner, it's amazing how far one great chair can take a room.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

So its thursday lot's of plans but not a lot of productivity as some weeks go.Finishing up on our backyard getaway, hard to belive but realy have not spent much money at all on what is now my favorite spot. Chair's were a free cast off from a restaurant, so picked up two(thought about more)ditched the nasty upholstered seats some light sanding left over paint in the garage, cut some new seats(bought plywood)scrap fabric from other projects and like magic nice chairs for patio. Off to the workroom to concentrate on new projects in the constant quest to improve my surrondings.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Life is better with a little ART!

Two "rescued" chairs, some left over paint, and fabric, were used to create a back yard retreat.